Saturday 12 February 2022

WEEKLY REFLECTION ( 01- 02- 2022)

 WEEK 5 

This (01-02-2022) is the last day of my teaching practice which was from 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm . I have completed the portion. Informed to my concerned teacher at school about it. Asked feedback to the students and they uploaded it to me . 

                             It was a great and realistic experience I had towards my passion and dream . I enjoyed offline classes more than online classes because offline classes were live and could reach every child. But even on online platform it is useful for the children who have some sought of inconvenience to come to school.


On this day we the teacher - students of 20 who have allotted the V.HSS BNV Boys , Thiruvallam school for teaching practice done our activity which was the part of our semester III in  B. Ed curriculum . The activity was the field study related to the Topic : "GLOBAL WARMING"  . It was conducted on online platform- Google Meet because of the covid situation on 01-02-2022 (monday) from 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm. The name of the programme was "Harithabhoomi" .

                                   The programme was actually to conscientize the students about the growing  environmental problem. The anchoring was done by Gowri R S . Welcome speech by Reshma Reghu, Prayer by Akhila P R, a poem was sung by Jijitha , PPT was presented by Aswathy R S ,a video was shown by Lekshmi about global warming , a skit related to the Do's and Dont's ,and a dance with the theme of 'SAVE THE EARTH' - which include me and the other 4 members . The programme ended with the National Anthem.               

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