Thursday 6 May 2021

Agencies of Education

             Agencies of Education

          Agencies of education means the source of institutions and organisations through which the educant (student) receive the education. 

       There are 3 major agencies of education;

                * Formal educational agency is set up with specific objective to carryout the various functions of education. Here the education is pre-planned and pre -conceived. Some of the formal educational agencies are schools, libraries, religious institutions and cultural organisation.

                * Informal educational agency, in  which nothing is pre- planned and rigid.  It consist of family, society, state, peer group and mass media.

                * Non-formal educational agencies are simply out of school institutions. It is between formal and informal education. It consists of open schools, universities and correspondence course.    

            We can conclude that, in the total process of education, the child is at the nucleus with its innate capabilities interacting with the various agencies and enriching its experience.


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