Thursday 6 May 2021

Introspection Method


               It is the method which comes under the method of observation. It is the oldest method and peculiar to psychology. The word introspection is derived from the latin words 'intro' meaning 'within' and ' spiere' meaning ' to look'. Therefore introspection means ' to look within '. 

According to Angell introspection means 'looking inward'. 

According to Woodworth introspection means self - observation.


* It is first hand and quite reliable.

* It does not require specific time, place and equipment.

* It gives direct knowledge of our own mental process without involving any extra material or apparatus. 

* It provides adequate knowledge of the internal experience and behavior of the individual. 

* This method does not entail any expenses.


* The result  of introspection are only objective. 

* It is not accessible to me or to you that what is going on in another persons mind.

* It cannot be done by abnormal individuals and children.

* A person  should be highly trained and skilled to introspect properly.

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